Library Policies
Cell Phone Policy
Patrons are asked to silence their cell phones upon entering the Prospect Library.
Text messaging is permitted in the library.
If a patron finds it necessary to use a cell phone, it is expected that they take/make the call outside of the Library, in the entrance vestibule or in our Community Meeting Room, if it is not in use.
We understand that on rare occasions cell phone use may be necessary for technical support while at one of the library computers. Brief and quiet conversations are permitted at this time.
Patrons wishing to report inappropriate cell phone use may contact a Library staff member at our circulation desk. The Library reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the Library if he/she is using a cell phone in a manner which is disturbing to others in the Library.
APRIL 13, 2017
Policy for the use of the
E. Irene Boardman Community Room
As an additional public service to the residents of Prospect, the Prospect Public Library makes available the E. Irene Boardman Community Room for cultural, educational, civic, service, and governmental meetings by Prospect non-profit clubs, organizations and boards. Non-profit organizations which have Prospect residents as members may also use the room.
Groups are invited to use the Library’s meeting facilities, subject to the following conditions:
Maximum seating capacity of the Community Room is fifty (50) persons.
The Community Room will be available to non-profit groups only. Neither admission fees nor other attendance contributions may be charged by any outside group using the facilities, nor will any form of solicitations, sales, or fundraising be permitted, except with the prior written permission of the Director. (Groups may, however, make normal collections of dues from their own members.) Voluntary contributions to help defray Library expenses (heat, electricity, etc.) will be accepted. Though the Library encourages programs or gatherings of interest to collectors or hobbyists, parties or events that sell consumer goods, such as baskets, housewares, cosmetics, etc. are not permitted. Meetings planned by a company or individual as an informational seminar are permitted.
The Community Room is not available for private parties or social gatherings. Also, special interest groups whose beliefs, activities, or presence could, in the opinion of the Library Board and Director, run contrary to the public interest or pose potential problems for the Library, may be denied use of the Community Room.
All applications for the Community Room use are subject to the approval of the Director.
Written application for use of the facilities, using the form attached, should be made with the Director as far in advance as possible. Should more than one organization request the same date, scheduling of the facilities will be handled in the order in which the applications were received.
Library and Friends of the Library functions will have first priority for use of the Community Room. This priority shall apply in establishing future reservations and in canceling previously established reservations. Use of the community room shall be governed by the following descending order of priority:
Prospect Public Library
Friends of the Prospect Public Library, Inc.
Town of Prospect: Boards, Commissions, Committees, Agencies, and Departments
Prospect non-profit community organizations
NOTE: The Director reserves the right to approve or reject any application for use of the Community Room
Groups wishing to meet at the Library regularly (monthly, quarterly, etc.) may file an application once every six (6) months. Semi-annual applications should be submitted between May 1 and July 1, and Nov.1 and Jan. 1 and automatically expire on Dec. 31 and June 30.
Whenever meetings take place outside of regular business hours, the key to the Community Room must be signed out beforehand at the Circulation Desk by a representative of the applying group. This key is to be returned in the envelope provided to the Library promptly the next day, or else placed in the book drop that is attached to the building at the conclusion of the meeting.
*If the Key is lost or not returned, a fee of $200 will be charged to your group to cover the cost of replacing the lock and generating new keys.
One representative from each organization using the Community Room will be required to complete and sign a “Community Room Closing Procedures Checklist” following every meeting of his or her organization. The completion of this checklist is required of all groups, including those which meet during Library hours. Groups found to be in violation of this checklist will be subject to a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine per incident or cancellation of future meeting room privileges. One group representative should return the checklist to the Circulation Desk (when Library is closed, deposit same in book drop attached to the building) upon leaving the premises.
The Library will supply without charge to groups using the Community Room the following equipment, if requested: folding chairs, folding tables, screen, and kitchen facilities. Any other special items needed, such as dishes, coffee pots, etc., are the sole responsibility of the applying group. NOTE: It is the responsibility of each group using the Community Room to take out, set up, take down, and put away the tables, chairs, and other equipment required for its own meeting.
All groups will be expected to exercise care in the use of the Library’s facilities and equipment, and shall be responsible for any financial liability and damage or loss resulting from their use of the Community Room.
The Library is not responsible for equipment, materials, supplies, etc., owned by a group or individual and used in the Community Room or stored there before or after a meeting. Groups meeting at the Library are requested to remove from the premises any items brought in for such meetings by noon the following day. Groups planning to use the Library meeting facilities on a regular and/or long term basis may not store items.
The Library reserves the right to subdivide the Community Room, if circumstances permit, to allow for shared use.
Per order of the Fire Marshal, smoking/vaping is prohibited inside the Library. This includes the Community Room, kitchen, hallways and restrooms, and outside of the front and side doors.
Alcoholic beverages are only allowed on Library premises at events hosted by the Library, Library Board of Directors or Friends of the Prospect Public Library, Inc.
Whenever the Library is closed, meeting attendees are to enter and exit their meeting through the side entrance Community Room doors only.
Notice to cancel must be given 24 hours in advance. The Library has a No Call/No Show policy. Groups that repeatedly make room reservations and fail to show up without giving the library sufficient notice may have meeting room privileges revoked. Reserving the library meeting room and failing to show up for any reason without notifying the library on three (3) separate occasions in any calendar year will result in loss of meeting room privileges. Reinstatement of meeting room privileges, and the terms governing such reinstatement, shall be at the discretion of the Library Director and/or Library Board of Directors.
If the Library is closed, doors to the main library areas are to be kept closed and alarms are to be activated.
In the event of an emergency such as snow closure or unsafe building conditions, the building will be closed and events/meetings cancelled. The Library and the Town of Prospect accept no responsibility as a result of unexpected closings.
The Library reserves the right to suspend or cancel meeting room privileges for any group failing to comply with the above conditions. It should be clearly understood that granting permission for a group to use the Community Room and related facilities does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Library of that group’s beliefs or policies.
Approved by Library Board of Directors – February 8, 2024
Sue McKernan – Chairperson
Prospect Library Board
Who may borrow: Patrons 18 years of age and older with a valid Adult Prospect Library card or with a valid/updated Library Card from another Connecticut town may borrow DVDs.
Borrowing period: Seven (7) days.
Renewals: DVDs that are NEW (3 months or younger) can be renewed once for an additional 3 day period if there are no other reserves on that particular DVD. Those DVDs older than 3 months old can be renewed for an additional 7 days if there are no other
reserves on that particular DVD.
Liability: Patrons are responsible for returning the DVD(s) in good condition or paying for replacement. If damage occurs to DVD(s) patron will be charged for replacement. In consideration of the loan of video material, the Patron will not hold the Prospect Public
Library responsible for damage to their playback equipment.
Overdue fines: $2.00 per day, per DVD. Once a patron’s fines have accrued to $10.00, the patron’s library privileges will be suspended until the fines are paid.
Returning DVDs: DVDs borrowed from the Prospect Public Library must be returned to the Prospect Public Library. While we prefer that the DVDs are returned to the Circulation Desk, they may be placed in a closed plastic bag and only placed in the book
drop box that is attached to the front of the building.
Reserves/Holds: DVDs may be reserved in person by calling the library, or online via the library’s catalog. You will need your library card number and user password to reserve online.
Limit: Checkout of no more than 3 DVDs per patron’s library card. Library Cards are Non-Transferable.
Copyright: It is illegal to reproduce DVDs and borrowers are responsible to adhere to copyright laws. DVDs in the Prospect Public Library collection are for home use only.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 – 5
Tuesday and Thursday 10 – 7
Saturday 10 – 3 (Closed Saturdays during July and August)
Approved by Prospect Library Board: November 9th, 2023
Susan McKernan, Chair
Computer and Internet Use Policy
1. Statement of Use
The Prospect Public Library, herein referred to as the Library, is committed to providing Library patrons with useful, current information from a variety of sources. The Library offers free Internet access to the public through secured networked and wireless devices. The Library is committed to providing free and unfettered access to the Internet. Because of the unregulated nature of the Internet, the Library cannot assume responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy, or currency of information available to users, nor assume responsibility in the event a user’s personal information is compromised. Use of the Library’s devices and the Internet resources provided by the Library shall be in accordance with this policy.
2. Computer Workstation General Guidelines
Computers are available to the public with a valid library card or photo ID.
A library card or photo ID must be presented at the circulation desk prior to sign-in. All Library patrons must sign in on the computer sign-in sheet by printing their first and last name and start time prior to using a computer. The PC user is expected to sign out after concluding their session.
Children between the ages of ten (10) and seventeen (17) may only use the Internet if they have a caregiver present or a parent or guardian permission slip on file at the circulation desk. (See Unattended Children Policy). Children under the age of ten (10) may use the Internet when accompanied by a parent/guardian/caregiver. Information about child safety on the Internet is available on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s website at .
Computer access is on a first come/first served basis and is limited to one (1) hour per day when other patrons are waiting.
A maximum of two (2) people can use a computer workstation at any given time.
Computer workstations are located in public areas shared by people of all ages and backgrounds; workstation users are therefore expected to show consideration for others when viewing web pages and to make reasonable efforts to respect the privacy of computer workstation users.
All users must use headphones when listening to audio content and must keep the volume at a reasonable level so as not to disturb others.
Any device that requires software installation is NOT permitted on Library computers.
Library staff members are available to help users log on and find information, but does not provide extensive one-on-one instruction at any given time.
Printing is available at a cost established by the library and posted before printing.
Library Staff will begin shut down of computers, printers and copiers 15 minutes prior to Library closing.
3. Acceptable Use Requirements
Electronic information resources of the Library shall be used only in accordance with this policy.
Library computer workstations and Library wireless connections are to be used for purposes that do not violate the law only. Further Library computer workstations and wireless connections may not be used by any person to engage in or assist in any of the following activities:
Viewing, printing, distributing, and/or sending material that is considered obscene as to minors as determined by federal and state laws.
Gaining unauthorized access to any computing, information, or communication device or resource;
Attempting to gain or gaining access to another person’s files or authorization codes;
Damaging, altering, or degrading computer equipment, peripherals, software, or configuration;
Introducing or installing spyware, viruses, worms, or other programs designed to harm computer equipment or software;
Viewing material or performing any activity online that violates federal, state, or local laws or regulations, including those regarding accessing, viewing, printing and/or distributing obscenity or pornography of any type;
Viewing or accessing pornography of any type;
Disseminating, exhibiting, or displaying to any child under the age of eighteen (18) anything likely to injure the health or impair the morals of that child;
Engaging in activities intended to aid in identity or credit card theft;
Transmitting threatening, defamatory, or harassing material;
Violating copyright or software licensing agreements or the policies of the individual websites viewed;
Engaging in any other activity constituting a civil or criminal offense under federal, state, or local laws or regulations.
All users and, as appropriate, parents/guardians and/or caregivers, shall evaluate available Internet resources and shall access the Internet at their own risk.
4. Violation of Library Policy
The use of the Library’s resources is a privilege, not a right.
Library Administrators are responsible for implementing the Library’s Computer and Internet Use Policy and are expected to respond promptly to suspected violations.
A violation of any portion of Section II (Computer Workstation General Guidelines) of this Policy will result in one (1) verbal warning by Library personnel to cease the offending conduct. Refusal to comply will result in ejection from the Library premises for the remainder of the day. Subsequent violations of the Section II guidelines will result in the loss of all computer privileges for a period of up to one (1) year, as determined by the Library Director
Patron violation of any portion of Section III (Acceptable Use Requirements) of this Policy will result in immediate ejection from the premises.
No warning will be given.
Refusal to leave premises will result in a call to local authorities.
Privileges lost can be seen in the table below based on violation:
Violation: Loss of: Timeframe:
First Computer privileges 30 days
Second Computer privileges 90 days
Third All Library privileges Up to 3 years
Fourth All library privileges Up to 5 years
5. Library Administrators shall provide any person who has been excluded from the Library premises for any length of time with a written Notice of Rule Violation informing the person of the specific nature and consequences of the violation and of the appeal procedure available if future access to the Library has been restricted. Library Administrators will provide such notice either in person or by mail within a reasonable time after the exclusion is first implemented
6. Library patrons may be held responsible for any costs, including legal fees, incurred in order to repair and/or replace any computer or computer components in connection with any misuse or abuse as discussed in Sections II and III of this Policy.
7. Illegal acts involving library resources may be subject to prosecution.
APRROVED: MARCH 12th, 2020
Program Policy
The Prospect Public Library (“the Library”) offers programs to serve the cultural, educational, informational and recreational needs of its residents. The Library aims to offer a variety of programs for all ages that reflect the community’s interests, encourage library usage, promote library materials and extend library service to the community. All programs shall be open to the general public, however some programs may be designed with specific audiences in mind, such as children’s programs and story times. Programs aimed toward specific audiences will be advertised as such.
Ultimate responsibility for the planning and implementation of internal library programs rests with the Library Director, who will share this duty with or delegate this duty in its entirety to the Assistant Director and Library staff.
Library sponsored programs will be free and open to the public and must be non-commercial in nature. During times when the physical building is not open, the library may offer outdoor or virtual programs.
The library does not offer any programs that support or oppose any political candidate, ballot measure, or specific religious conviction. The Library may offer to host candidates’ forums that include invitations to all recognized candidates. Programs whose purpose is to provide information about religious traditions as a part of multicultural education are permitted. Holiday programs may be offered.
Programs may also be cosponsored by the Library with other community organizations in an effort to create community partnerships. The Library may also work with other area libraries, book stores, authors and publishers to jointly sponsor programs. External organizations or individuals partnering with the Library on programs must coordinate marketing efforts with library staff and secure staff approval before distributing any promotional materials.
Co-sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content or the views expressed by participants by The Library, its Staff, Library Board or by the Town of Prospect.
The Library reserves the right to photograph/record and publish individuals and groups attending a library programs on social media internet sites, Library’s website, Library publications, and newspapers. Participants may request from a staff member that their image, or that of their child, not be used by the Library for these purposes.
The Library reserves the right to deny attendance to programs with specific age restrictions or those who become disruptive to an audience. Registration may be required for planning purposes or when space is limited. Persons attending library sponsored or co-sponsored programs are expected to adhere to the Library’s Code of Conduct Policy.
Professional performers, authors, artists and other presenters will be permitted to sell their creative products (CDs, Books, Art Work) only if the Library Director has agreed in advance to such an agreement. Excepted from this rule is The Friends of The Prospect Library who may sell items for fundraising purposes. Library staff will neither benefit nor participate in the sale of goods sold by presenters and/or authors. It is required that performers or presenters donate a copy of their creative product (Book/CD) to the Library or donate a percentage (10%) of sales of artwork to the Library.
All outside program proposals/ideas must be submitted to the Library Director at least two months prior to the proposed date for the program. The Director, along with the Library Board, will review each submission and judge them by the following criteria:
Community Needs and Interests
Availability and Suitability of physical space
Availability of staff to assist with the program
Presenter background/qualifications
Budget and Cost of Program
Relevance/appropriateness of Program to library’s mission.
Connection to the library’s planned schedule of events or community events.
No individual or organization shall use a program at the Library to advertise or recruit members or future customers. Programs are not used for commercial, religious or partisan purposes or the solicitation of business.
The Library and its employees will not be liable for the content of any program presented by a third party. The hosting of an outside program does not constitute an endorsement of the content or the views expressed by participants by the Library, its Staff, Library Board or by the Town of Prospect.
Advertising and publicity must include a contact phone number for the group and/or individual responsible for the program and must not include the Library’s phone number.
The Library’s name may be only used in reference to location, not sponsorship or affiliation, unless the Library is an official sponsor or co-sponsor of the event.
When the Library is not sponsoring a meeting room program or event, any announcements or advertisements to publicize a meeting, program or event to be held in the meeting room or on Library grounds must include the following disclaimer: “The Prospect Public Library is not sponsoring or endorsing this program or any goods or services offered.” In addition, a draft of any announcement or advertisement (Posters, flyers, newspaper, internet or other communication) must be approved by the Library director or his/her designee at least one month in advance of publicizing.
To preserve the ability to meet Library needs, under changing conditions, the Prospect Library Board reserves the right to modify, augment, delete or revoke any and all policies, practices and statements at any time without notice.
Gifts of books, other useful materials, and non-monetary contributions from individuals or groups which support the Library in its mission to serve the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs of the Town may be accepted provided that the following conditions are met:
1) Unconditional ownership of the gift is vested in the Library.
2) The Library Director or designee makes the final decision on acceptance and disposition of any gift.
3) The Library decides the conditions of display, housing, and access to any gifts.
4) The Library applies the same selection standards to gifts which govern material selection.
5) The Library does not appraise gifts for tax purposes but will give a letter or receipt stating that so many items were given, if requested.
6) All donated books, CDs and DVDs must be in new or nearly-new condition. Items that are dusty, moldy, worn, torn or in otherwise poor condition will not be accepted.
Fiction hardcover and paperback books – 5 years old or newer
Nonfiction hardcover or paperback books – 5 years old or newer
Music compact disks – Undamaged, with original case and jacket
Audio books on CD – Undamaged, with original case and jacket
Movies on DVD – Undamaged, with original case and jacket
Condensed books (Reader’s Digest), Periodicals/Magazines and Newspapers, Textbooks, Audio books and Music on cassette tape, Movies on videotape, Home-taped movies, and Encyclopedia sets older than 3 years.
7) Gifts donated to the library that are not added to the library’s collection shall be forwarded to the Friends of the Prospect Public Library Inc., (Friends) for their disposition at a future sale. The proceeds from this sale shall accrue directly to the benefit of the library, in a fashion consistent with accepted library policies and services as determined by the Library Board of Directors. Any items unsold by the Friends of the Prospect Library Inc. may be donated to another organization or discarded.
8) The following will be considered where the Library is offered items other than books:
a) Is the item appropriate for a public library?
b) Will the item benefit the Library and the community?
c) Is there space in the Library to accommodate it?
d) Is there maintenance involved? If so, how will it be funded?
e) Does receipt of the item in any way conflict with the town’s purchasing policies?
f) Is it necessary for the Library to use a consultant for expert guidance?
9) The Library will accept gifts of money:
To support the goals and objectives of the Library.
In memory of or in tribute to an individual or group.
APPROVED: March 14, 2024
Prospect Library Card Policy
Getting a Library Card
Library Cards are free and your Prospect Library card may be used in most Connecticut public Libraries! To obtain a library card, individuals will need to complete an application form, available at the circulation desk.
Children under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian fill out/sign their application form.
RESIDENT LIBRARY CARDS - Every Prospect resident is eligible to receive a library card from the Prospect Library. Individuals applying for a library card who are age 18 or older must furnish a photo ID showing a current Prospect street address. Post-office box addresses are not acceptable.
Suitable photo IDs include but are not limited to: state-issued driver’s license, state-issued non-driver photo ID, military ID, passport, and school/college/university photo ID. If the photo ID does not include a Prospect street address, applicants must also include proof of street residency dated within the past 30 days, such as a utility/telephone bill, mortgage or lease/rental agreement, Prospect tax bill or receipt (residence only, not property owned or business owned), valid motor vehicle registration or insurance, or postmarked U.S. mail addressed to them.
If proof of residency cannot be provided, the Director or designee will be consulted to consider the request for a library card on a case-by case basis.
Once issued, a Prospect library card may be used at any public library in Connecticut, subject to the rules of that library, in accordance with the borrowIT CT (previously Connecticard) reciprocal borrowing program.
Once issued, a Prospect Library card is valid for three (3) year intervals. After three years, a patron will just need to show a current driver’s license for library card renewal.
Out of town patrons with a current hometown library card are also eligible to borrow materials. They will be asked to fill out an application and present a photo I.D.
In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes (Title 11, Section 31, part e) and the borrowIT (formerly Connecticard) Program guidelines, individuals who own property in Prospect, but who make their principal residence in another Connecticut municipality, must receive their library card from the library of that principal residence municipality.
Using Your Library Card
Patrons must remember to bring their library card with them when you visit the library. Patrons without a library card will be asked to present a photo ID so identity can be verified before items are checked out.
Patrons must report a missing card immediately. Owners of Prospect Public Library cards assume responsibility for the care and safekeeping of all materials borrowed on their cards. The person in whose name the card is issued assumes responsibility for settling any and all fines, damages, losses, or other assessments incurred by the use of their cards. Parents and Guardians of children under the age of 18 assume responsibility for settling any and all fines, damages, losses, or other assessments incurred by the use of their cards.
Library cards will not be renewed until all fines, damages, losses, or other assessments incurred have been paid.
Card owners are asked to report changes in names, street/email addresses and telephone numbers to the library as soon as possible, so that the Library’s borrower records can be kept up to date. Card owners should also report lost, stolen, or damaged cards to the library as soon as possible. There is a $2.00 charge for replacing a lost card.
Per Connecticut General Statutes Section 11-25b, all circulation and patron registration information is confidential. Access to this information by other than authorized library staff is possible only with a properly authenticated subpoena. Patrons may access only their own circulation records.
Approved by Prospect Library Board: January 11th, 2024
Susan McKernan, Chair
All patrons will behave in an orderly and respectful manner. Excessive noise is not permitted.
Patrons may NOT:
Threaten, harass, intimidate, or use obscene language or gestures toward Library staff or users.
Sleep or snore in the Library
Ask staff to monitor children or adults needing care.
Leave young children under 12 years of age unsupervised.
Note: CT State law (Sec. 53-21a) requires that parents/caregivers supervise the behavior of their
children and that children under the age of 12 be supervised at all times by someone who is at least 18 years old.
If a child, under the age of 18, is found unsupervised and is disruptive to the staff or patrons, the staff member in charge will call parents/guardians to pick up child when possible; and/or call police department. The Library Director, if not present, will be notified as soon as possible of any situation involving Police assistance. The Chairperson of the Library Board will also be notified.
The Prospect Library is not responsible for children 12 years and older who leave the library building.
Ask staff to watch over personal belongings. The Library is not responsible for any items left unattended.
Operate a business on Library property.
Misuse the rest rooms (e.g. using them as a laundry or bathing facility is not allowed).
Abuse library equipment, furniture, and materials. This includes placing feet on tables and chairs, standing on furniture, mutilating or defacing books or periodicals, mistreating equipment or computers, etc.
Fail to wear proper attire, including shirt and shoes.
Consume alcohol on Library property unless specifically permitted in connection with a Library sponsored event.
Bring a weapon into the library, unless authorized by Federal/State/Town law.
Behave in any manner that threatens the safety of library staff or patrons.
Enter in Library offices, staff work/break areas, storage areas, or other non-public areas while unaccompanied by a Library staff member or without prior agreement with Library management.
Smoke and/or Vape in the Library.
Solicit or Petition on Library grounds.
Eat in the library, except in designated programs and/or meeting rooms, without approval of the Library Director or Assistant Director. Non-alcoholic beverages, in containers designed to prevent spills, are permitted except at computer workstations.
Use cell phones in the Library except in the vestibule, community room or in the computer room under specific situations (See Cell Phone Policy) as a courtesy to Library patrons.
To prevent possible injury to library patrons and staff, and to prevent possible damage to library property, animals are not permitted in the Prospect Public Library except:
Trained guide-animals or service-animals that are leashed or harnessed, may accompany individuals in the Library. (In accordance with Connecticut State Statute 46A, Chapter 814B, Chapter 814C).
Animals that are part of a Library-sponsored program may be allowed; however, said animals must be leashed, harnessed, or caged, and at all times under the supervision/control of an owner or trainer.
On Library Grounds, animals must be under their owners’ control at all times and not left unattended. Owners are responsible for curbing their animals.
Repairs for any damage caused by animals will be at the owner’s expense.
If a problem should arise concerning a violation of the Code of Conduct, a staff member will notify the Library Director and/or the Assistant Director who will request assistance from the Police Department if needed. The Chairperson of the Library Board will be informed if Police assistance was needed.
The consequence for failure to follow the Library Code of Conduct will be suspension of Library privileges for a specified period of time. Minor infractions, not involving police assistance, will entail a one week suspension. Repeated offenses will result in a two week suspension or more. Infractions involving police assistance will result in a minimum of one month suspension or more. Requisite incident reports will be completed and kept on file with the Library Director.
The Board of Directors of the Prospect Public Library recognizes that within Prospect there are individuals with diverse interests, backgrounds, cultural heritages, social values, and needs. The Board further recognizes that the Library needs to serve and provide materials to all of the people of Prospect regardless of their age, race, creed, national origin, or political or social views.
The library collection will strive to provide an unbiased and diverse source of information, representing as many viewpoints as possible. The objectives of the Prospect Public Library are to select, organize, preserve, and make freely and easily available to the people of the community print and non-print materials, within the limitations of space and budget. The collection is intended to provide individual access to information and materials in various formats to serve a wide variety of needs.
Responsibility for the development of the collection rests with the Library Director under the authority of the Prospect Library Board of Directors. The Library Director utilizes qualified staff to help choose materials based on accepted standards of material selection using standard reviewing sources. Suggestions from library users are always welcome and given serious consideration.
Each item will be considered for its value, its format, and the audience for which it is intended. No single criterion is applicable to all purchase decisions. Librarians apply their judgment and experience in selecting material according to criteria listed below. All criteria do not apply to each item. Works of imagination, ( i.e. fiction), are judged by different standards than are works of information and opinion, (i.e. nonfiction). Materials are judged as a whole rather than on isolated passages.
Examples of criteria are but not limited to:
Relevance to present or anticipated needs and interests of the community;
Permanent value as a resource material;
Relation to existing material in the library;
Suitability of format for library use in this community;
Literary style, accuracy of information, reputation of the author;
Need for multiple copies of materials in high demand;
Price and availability of funds.
Electronic resources enhance the Library’s collection by providing convenient access to expanded and consolidated information. Databases and Internet access enable the Library to provide new technologies, which are essential tools for information delivery.
All of the above criteria relevant to the selection of materials in traditional formats apply to electronic resources as well. However, because machine-readable formats require nontraditional means of acquisition, storage, and access, some additional criteria will be considered:
Ease of access and number of access points;
Hardware and software requirements, including maintenance;
Vendor support and contractual requirements;
Comparison of content with other formats available;
Ownership of product;
Staff training and/or patron assistance;
Cost and availability of the product format.
Maintenance of the collection includes discarding, replacement, rebinding and repair. If an item is lost or
damaged, it may not necessarily be replaced depending upon the number of duplicate copies or similar materials
in the collection, existence of adequate coverage of the subject field, and demand for the specific author, title or
subject. It is sometimes preferable to purchase current materials rather than replace older ones. The Director
and/or Designee serves as arbiter in such instances.
Weeding is a term used by libraries to describe the removal of materials from their collections. Such items may
contain outdated or inaccurate information, have multiple duplicate copies, may no longer circulate, inconsistent
with evolving community standards or in poor condition. Weeding is performed as a regular, ongoing process
by qualified staff and the Library Director in the interest of keeping all collections current and useful. Weeded
materials in good condition may be sold, donated, or disposed of however the Library deems appropriate.
Generally, standard titles of permanent value and materials of local significance are spared weeding even if they
may meet the criteria for so doing.
The Library welcomes gifts of books and other materials for the collection and applies to them the same standards of selection that govern purchases. Gift materials are accepted with the understanding that those that meet the Library's selection criteria may be retained and those that do not may be redistributed to the Friends of the Prospect Library, other non-profit organizations; (See the Library’s Gifts Policy Page on the Library website for more information).
The Library recognizes that some materials may not be considered appropriate by some patrons. Selections of new material will not be made based upon anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the work in relation to the building of the collection and to serving the interests of the overall library patron community.
Responsibility for the reading, listening and viewing habits of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. The Library maintains several age-appropriate collections for children and teens. Materials may be reassigned among these sub-collections based on the age appropriateness of the content. Selection of adult material will not be inhibited by the possibility that books may inadvertently come into the possession of children.
Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and no catalogued book or other item will be removed from the open shelves except for the express purpose of protecting it from damage or theft.
The Library welcomes expressions of opinion concerning materials in its collection. A Prospect Library cardholder who wishes that a specific item be reconsidered for inclusion in the collection, that is to say removed, is asked to complete and submit the REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF LIBRARY MATERIAL FORM; available online via the Library’s website, Front desk or Library Director’s Office Written requests for reconsideration of items will be directed to the attention of the Library Director, who will review the item at issue and perform such investigation as deemed necessary. The Library Director will report on the request for reconsideration at the next scheduled meeting of the Library Board of Directors. The Library Board will review the request for reconsideration and will determine whether any action will be taken. The final authority regarding removal or retention of library materials ultimately resides with the Library Board of Directors. The Director will notify of the Board’s decision by letter to the individual who made the request for reconsideration.
A resource that has previously been reconsidered by request will be exempt from additional requests for reconsideration for two years. The Library Director shall summarize the previous decision in response to any new request for reconsideration during that two year time period.
The Library Board considers reading, listening and viewing to be individual, private matters. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor child (ren), the freedom of others to read or inquire will not be restricted by the Library. Only parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to guide and direct the reading, listening, and viewing choices of their own minor child (ren). The Library does not stand in the place of parents (in loco parentis).
The library collection will be organized, marked and maintained to help patron find the materials they want. Any labeling, sequestering, or alteration of materials because of controversy surrounding the author or subject matter will not be sanctioned. Library materials may be sequestered for the purpose of protecting them from damage or theft. The Library Board supports the Library Bill of Rights and endorses the ALA Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements.
Adopted by the Prospect Public Library Board of Directors – October 12, 2023
Susan McKernan,
Library Board Chair
If you would like the library to reconsider materials, please fill out this form and return it to the library director.
Prospect Library Video Surveillance Policy
The Prospect Public Library uses security cameras to ensure a safe and secure environment and to discourage and document violations of Library and Town Policies and the law. At the same time, the Library respects the privacy of patrons and staff. This Policy sets forth the Library's practices for the use of security cameras and for accessing and retrieving footage from the cameras in a manner that reasonably respects individuals’ privacy.
Security Cameras:
Signs posted at Library entrances state that security cameras are in use.
Cameras may be installed in outdoor and indoor locations where individuals do not have an expectation of privacy, including, e.g., public common areas of the library such as parking lots, entrances, seating areas, service desks, the community room, areas near book and media collections, areas prone to theft or misconduct, and areas where money is stored or handled.
Cameras will not be installed in areas where patrons and staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as in restrooms. Cameras are not intended to monitor a person’s reading, viewing, or listening activity, and cameras do not record audio.
Cameras installed on building exteriors may record activity occurring beyond Library property.
Security cameras will not be constantly monitored. Individuals should take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of their personal property. The Library, its employees and the Town of Prospect are NOT responsible for loss of property or for personal injury.
Accessing and Retrieving Video Footage:
The Library Director, Chairperson of the Library Board, the Mayor and/or their designees may access real-time and archived video from the security cameras for legitimate business purposes such as investigation of criminal activity and violations of Town or Library Policies.
Video records will generally only be released to third parties in response to search warrants, lawful subpoenas, court orders and/or requests by law enforcement during an active investigation.
Video records may be shared with authorized Library staff or other authorized individuals when necessary for legitimate business purposes such as identifying those responsible for Library and Town Policy violations, criminal activity on Library property, actions considered disruptive to regular Library operations, and identifying individuals whose privileges have been restricted or revoked.
Video records will typically be retained for a period determined by the storage capacity of the equipment. As new footage is recorded, the oldest footage will be deleted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, video records will be retained for longer periods as necessary in connection with an ongoing investigation, litigation or violations of Library or Town Policies.
A copy of this Policy may be shared with any patron or staff member upon request. This Policy will also be posted on the Library's website.
Questions from the public may be directed to the Library Director.
The Library disclaims any liability for use of the video records in accordance with the terms of this policy.
Video records may contain personally identifiable information about a Library user and will be held confidential under applicable state laws, including Conn. Gen. Stat. § 11-25.
The Prospect Public Library participates in requestIT, a statewide reciprocal library materials lending service funded by the Connecticut State Library. This service of sharing items between Connecticut libraries is an integral element in the provision of library services to our citizens which allows patrons to gain access to more than 19 million items across the state.
How to Use This Service:
To use ILL, you must have a valid Prospect Public library card or valid/registered library card from any Connecticut town and a working phone number or email address. Determine if we own the item(s) by searching the Prospect Public library catalog before requesting interlibrary loan (ILL). If we do not own the item(s), submit request(s) in person at the front desk of the Library or by calling the Library at: 203- 758-3001. Due to the volume of requests, please limit yourself to no more than three (3) per month. Please include as much information as possible about the item with your request.
Allowable Items
You cannot request materials that have been in publication for less than nine (9) months. Only books (except new books*), audiobooks, and DVDs may be requested using ILL. The following items cannot be requested: VHS videos, textbooks, magazines and newspapers, and microfilm/fiche.
You may have no more than three (3) ILL items pending or in circulation at a time. For example, if you have ILL items
checked out, you must return them before they you can submit further requests. If you have pending ILL requests in
process, you cannot submit further requests. If you have a combination of pending and checked out ILL items equaling three (3), you must wait until at least one ILL item is returned before you can submit another request.
Once the material you requested has arrived, you will be notified according to the contact information you used when placing the request, either by email or phone call. ILL items are usually received within 15 business days. You will have 4 days to pick up the item. At the end of the loan period, please return the item(s) to the library. To check on the status of your request, please call 203-758-3001.
Loan Length
How long you can keep materials depends on the lending library. The most common lending timeframe is 14 days.
When you pick up the material you requested, you will be notified of the due date as well. Items borrowed via our ILL
service must be returned on time to the Prospect Public Library. They cannot be returned to other area libraries.
Renewals of ILL items must be approved by the lending library. If you need to renew your book, let the ILL librarian
know at least one week ahead of the due date. The librarian will put the request through to the lending library and
inform you whether it was approved.
Your Responsibilities
You are responsible for returning the material on time, in the same condition that it was in when you borrowed it. You
are responsible for any late fees if the material is not returned on time. If the material is lost or damaged, you are
responsible for paying the library who lent the material the cost of the book plus any processing fees that library might request. Also, ILL items are marked separately from other library books with a specific ILL strap/wrapper that you should not remove during the loan period.
Approved – December 12, 2024 -- Susan McKernan – Prospect Library Board Chairperson