Museum Passes
The library offers free or reduced admission passes to visit area museums, attractions, and venues. Prospect Library cardholders and out-of-town cardholders who are registered in our system may borrow a Museum Pass for up to 3 days.
Call the library at (203) 758-3001 to check availability of a pass. If available, the pass may be held for 30 minutes.
Please call if you have any questions and be sure to plan ahead! Museum and venue policies and guidelines may change.​
This service is funded by the Friends of the Prospect Public Library.
The following rules apply:
Our passes are available to Prospect Library card holders and out of town patrons whose hometown library cards are registered with our library on a first-come, first-served basis.
Patrons can call to reserve a pass. The pass will then be held for 30 minutes.
· Limit of one (1) pass per family
· Must be returned in person to circulation desk. NO BOOK DROP RETURNS.
· Three (3) day loan period with no renewals and a $10/day late fine.
· Patrons are responsible for any misplaced or lost museum pass.