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Friends of the Prospect Public Library, LLC


The Friends of the Prospect Public Library, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization, 501(c)(3), comprised of volunteers who believe libraries are essential and who are passionate about supporting our public library.


The Friends work in concert with the Library Director and the Prospect Library Board to:


  • Maintain an association of persons interested in libraries

  • Focus public attention on the library

  • Fund programs to promote library and cultural enrichment

  • Stimulate the use of the library resources, services, and facilities

  • Encourage donations, gifts, endowments, and bequests to the library


It is governed by a Board of Directors, who are elected annually.


Pam & Betty

Pictured: Pam Monahan and Betty Bajek at the Friends Bookstore.

Board of Directors


President: Betty Bajek

Vice-President: Pam Monahan

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: Vacant

Membership Chair: Vacant

Historian: Kathy Delmonico

Organizational Representative: Pam Monahan

Join today!

Individual Membership

Family Membership 

Senior Citizen Membership 

Business Partner 





Becoming a member is easy! Complete an application form and send it along with your check for the annual membership you’ve chosen to:​


Friends of the Prospect Public Library, Inc.

17 Center Street

Prospect, CT 06712

100% of membership dues go towards supporting library programs. Thank you for your donation and support!

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